Can drinking tea in the morning on an empty stomach be dangerous for health?

The mouth waters just by hearing the name of tea. There is no dearth of tea lovers in India. Many people drink tea many times a day. But do you know, there is a time and rule for drinking tea. Which only a few people know. In such a situation, many people consume tea on an empty stomach in the morning. Today we will tell you whether it is right to consume tea on an empty stomach or not. Caffeine and caffeine are present in tea, which causes problems like acidity and indigestion in the stomach. 

Know what are the disadvantages

Drinking tea in the morning on an empty stomach is good for health. Can be dangerous for. Tea works to retain nutrients in your body. Tea can prove to be more dangerous for those people who have stomach related problems. Drinking tea on an empty stomach harms the teeth, it causes teeth decay and gum problems. Apart from this, drinking tea can cause problems with urination. Tea can dehydrate you. 

How to prevent this 

Everyone has the habit of drinking tea in the morning, but if you want to avoid drinking tea on an empty stomach, then Have a light breakfast in the morning and only then consume tea. If you have stomach problems then add less milk and sugar in tea and drink it. Instead of drinking tea in the morning, you can drink green tea or herbal tea. These teas contain less caffeine, which is beneficial for health.  If you have any problem after drinking tea on an empty stomach, then definitely take advice from the doctor.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

Also read  : If cold and cough are troubling you during pregnancy, then try these home solutions, both mother and child will remain healthy.

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